Monday, December 6, 2010


So, there are SOME things I do not like about the holiday... doesn't mean that they are wrong... just not my cup of tea.... especially when there is cocoa to be served!

Colored Christmas tree lights.  Let your decorations lend the color to the decor.

Blinking ornaments.  Enough already,.... let's keep it simple.
Decorations in the bathroom.... we get it.  It's the holidays... I don't need to wash my hands with Rudolph.

Tinsel.  I don't think I even need to expand on this one... do I?

But DO decorate with live holly, misletoe and magnolia leaves.  A simple festive floral candle in the bathroom will get you message across.  Fresh pine boughs tied up anywhere lend a festive spirit.  A fire in the fireplace is always welcoming... just remember to temper your heating to accommodate your guests.  Red candles make a joyous statement.  Candles strike a lovely atmosphere... the more the merrier.

Stay away from anything that needs any industrial blower or will jack up your electric bill by 25%.

Think environmentally and you will do everyone  a favor!

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